Patient/Patient Family Story

Complete This Form so that we can contact you with Fishin’ Galore 2025 Announcements.

Please provide accurate email and mailing addresses so that we can reach you when registration opens.

Storytelling is the most compelling way for a foundation to raise awareness and funds.  We understand that everyone has their own, individual Dream Day Story and we are interested in hearing yours! We want to make sure you hear from us and that you can get involved if/when/where you want! 

Please complete as many fields as you feel comfortable answering. We ask if you have a few minutes, if you can complete these questions so we can get to know you, from your side of the story!

Note: Any field with a star/asterisk is a required field. Most fields are optional, but we’d love to hear from you on everything!


Here’s why we are asking:
Contact Information – We want to make sure we have the most up-to-date contact information so you can be sure to receive notifications about Fishin’ Galore registation/announcements and other Dream Day Foundation events.
Patient Information – Aggregated information about the patient population who attend our Fishin’ Galore program will be invaluable to our grant writing and prospective donor outreach efforts. We assure you that any information provided outside of the organization will only be linked to a patient first name, unless specific permission is granted. (Example: Tiffany was diagnosed with leukemia at age 7 and completed her last treatment at age 10. She continues to attend our Fishin’ Galore event with her family. Her attendance encourages other families still seeking treatment.)
Previous Fishin’ Galore Info – Our foundation has evolved and grown over the past 30 years and in doing so we’ve upgraded our system (a few times). We encourage you to let us know about your past Fishin’ Galore experiences
Engagement – Here is where we really want to hear from you! We have several speaking opportunities throughout the year including St. Jude Dream Home Giveaways, fundraising events and presentations made to groups who are encouraged to donate to Dream Day Foundation. If you are willing, we’d forever be grateful to you for speaking about your St. Jude experience and/or your Fishin’ Galore experience! If you are not a public speaker, maybe you’d prefer to leave a written testimonial we could reference in print material, on social media or during these presentations. Any testimonial will be referenced by first name only, unless specific permission is granted. (Example: When we go to Fishin’ Galore and all the events Dream Day has and to be a part of that Dream Day Family, it reminds us to have life. We have hope at St. Jude and we also need to have life. *Patsy, Mother of St. Jude patient survivor)



Patient Information

Fishin’ Galore Information

For the question “Relationship to other Fishin’ Galore attendee?” Please indicate if you are related to a Board Member, other St. Jude family or long-time volunteer.


Workplace Giving is an easy way to make tax-deductible donations to Dream Day Foundation taken directly out of your paycheck. Typically Dream Day Foundation would discuss this opportunity with your Human Resources or Management to coordinate logistics, make a presentation to all employees and seek pledges from each individual to be fulfilled through paycheck deductions over a one year period. The pledges could be renewed yearly. Workplace Fundraiser is any type of fundraiser done with your coworkers in a single office or across your company’s network. This could be a $5 Jeans for Dreams day, a unique tshirt sales fundraiser, scavenger hunt to raise awareness for your company/Dream Day Foundation, a new & fun fundraiser we develop together! You may choose more than one option for the dropdown menus labeled None Selected to accurately indicate your response.